Recently we’ve found that one of our TSM servers stopped to back up all virtual machines. After examination of dsmerror.log files we’ve found strange messages:
03/20/2015 09:48:42 ANS0106E Message index not found for message 2252.
03/20/2015 09:49:01 ANS0106E Message index not found for message 14320.
03/20/2015 09:49:01 ANS0106E Message index not found for message 14180.
And so on.
After quick search we’ve found official IBM article about this error
This article suggests you to update or re-install your Backup Archive Client, installed on the TSM server. We’ve tried that with different versions of client with no result. All clients give the same error: ANS0106E.
After that we’ve started to analyze dsmc.exe process wint ProcessExplorer and found strange thing, that this process have open handles to C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\server\tsmdiag
and not C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient
where we’ve actually installed our BA Client.
So the problem was, that tsmdiag.exe utility set environment variables DSM_CONFIG and DSM_DIR, which affect Backup Archive Client behavior. So to resolve this problem you need to change mentioned environment variables or copy dscenu.txt file from your BAClient folder to tsmdiag folder.